Tag: social media

The rapid adoption of social media by the African continent’s leaders
July 10, 2023
The obvious question is to what extent social media can influence African political and business campaigns and strategies? First let us consider these facts, issued by the GSM Association, which expects unique mobile subscriptions and SIM connections in Africa to rise to 615-million and 1.12-billion respectively, in 2025.

Crisis Simulations: Practice Makes Perfect
May 25, 2023
You can take practical, cost-effective steps to build organisational resilience and the ability to work through a crisis with your reputation still largely intact.
Who Are The Social Media ‘King-Makers’?
August 26, 2021
Chat forums – Reddit and Discord Chat forums like Reddit and Discord have made it easier for retail investors to gather with likeminded people who share their appetite for risk or strategy. With group names like “Stock Dads Discord”, “Options Trade Club” or “Wallstreetbets”, these informal gatherings have quickly […]
The Mining Industry Has Taken To Twitter To Attract The Eye Of Global Investors
April 14, 2021
The mining industry has certainly got the message that people are what keeps it going – not just profits, and it now uses the full array of social media platforms to help tell its story, with Twitter, surprisingly, taking the lead.

Digital campaign grows LPGSA’s social media footprint
November 19, 2020
Aprio Digital launched a digital campaign for the Liquified Petroleum Gas Association South Africa (LPGSA) to educate consumers about the benefits of LPGas and to encourage its safe and compliant use.
Deepfakes: They’re About To Change How We See The World
Deepfakes have only been around for two and a half years – already it’s clear that this newcomer in the misinformation age is likely to bring major disruption.
Aprio Works With Implats To Roll Out A Gender-Based Violence Social Media Campaign
August 31, 2020
Impala Platinum (Implats) launched a social media campaign in response to the horrific surge of gender-based violence experienced by women across South Africa, during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Why Its Critical For Companies To Shift To Digital Platforms
That old saying of “adapt or die” has never been more true or relevant, particularly when referring to today’s business and the corporate world. COVID-19 has shifted the goalposts and forced all of us to rethink the business strategies and best practice we employ. Even prior to COVID-19, global […]
Case Study: Driving Social Media Growth & Community Engagement for Implats
May 15, 2020
Since Aprio Digital launched their social media pages, Implats’ platforms have seen a marked increase in traction and reach.
The Basics of Content Marketing
April 1, 2019
Traditional marketing is becoming less and less effective by the minute; as a forward-thinking marketer, you know there has to be a better way.