Tag: investors

The rise of the retail investor
June 20, 2024
The South African stock market has witnessed a rise in retail investor participation in recent years. This seems almost counter-intuitive, given high interest rates and the higher cost of living, which presumably cuts back on people’s disposable income.
The Rise Of The Digital Retail Investor
August 26, 2021
Larger groups of risk averse traders are gathering on social media. They may not be trading large amounts individually, and they’re not armed with hugely accurate information, but together they’re able to wield significant clout. They buy and sell with frequency – and hold the potential to wreak havoc on share price volatility.
The Mining Industry has taken to Twitter to attract the eye of global investors
April 14, 2020
The mining industry has certainly got the message that people are what keeps it going – not just profits, and it now uses the full array of social media platforms to help tell its story, with Twitter, surprisingly, taking the lead.